Our Services
Are you in need of expert support for your organization? Dr. Valaida Wise and her team of specialists are here to help you every step of the way.
To get started, simply contact us through our website, and we’ll create a plan tailored to your organization’s needs.
Assessments, Evaluations, Training
We do the heavy lifting, helping you assess equity in your organization; train administration and staff, develop a curriculum so it integrates diversity, equity, and inclusion and/or the development of an anti-biased curriculum; and provide culture coaching.
Strategic Planning
We guide you in developing, implementing and updating short- and long-term goals to embed a race equity lens in all aspects of the organization; create a robust “roadmap” that includes implementation of a strategic equity plan that will become part of the organization’s diversity plan; provide guidance and support to leadership during the first year of implementation to ensure proper application of the principles of equity and stakeholder buy-in.
Professional Leadership Development
We help improve your executives’ leadership skills, which will focus on leadership as a necessary component for enhancing their commitment to diversity and inclusion, review company data to see if your policies and procedures promote diversity and inclusion, and help you determine how to implement a governance structure that helps reach your goals.
We provide you with the latest research and evidence-based practices on topics such as implicit bias and micro-aggression.
Speaking Engagements
We represent your organization at conferences and workshops and create relevant podcasts. We work collaboratively to ensure we cover the information you want your audience to understand.
Writing Services
We support you by writing textbooks and articles for journals, publications, and online blogs.